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Showing posts from April, 2018

Sing Me Your Forever Song, Nomad Lover

The petrichor was thick in the air As he ran his fingers gently through my hair. I didn’t know if it was Love. A few months of dalliance, Letting my morals tip off balance. Viatic, my heart felt hiraeth, a need for Home. His words, mellifluous and charming, In my ears, were sweetly swarming, Maybe this was a limerence, a forever Place. The virga hung low in the sky, And I wondered, wondered why, He’d become so comely in my eyes, a Star. As if reading my mind’s utinam, He slipped back into me with a plan. Penis indefatigable, hot and Heavy. He’ll be my phenomenal everything, My affectionate dwelling, always. Make me sing Into forever, make me sing Our song. -- Mad Words List 4.24.18 Mellifluous Dalliance Phenomenal Comely Sonder Penis Petrichor Limerence Hiraeth Indefatigable Viatic Utinam Virga -- Today was a beautiful rainy/snowy day, and I wanted to capture that with a bit of passion and the twist of going from uncertainty to surety, ...

Wisteria Vines

Sometimes I have to remember How gently the wisteria trees Sway in a sunshower. How the gossamers built with patience Must sometimes be built again, And again, and again without complaint. I have to listen for the laughter The one you'd almost miss if you were Too worried about the symmetry of the seams On the dress your mother sewed And you re-sowed. “Be at ease.” That lithe voice whispered, smiling. I imagine there on the front porch A child with golden hair and Sapphire eyes, planting a huge basium On the family pup’s nose, and they both Turn shyly and grin at my future. “Mommy, let's play,” she says, and I know it's everything. Everything I ever wanted. To play. To delight In words dancing on pages and Make the dirt at my feet into ballrooms. “It's not a tempest, my dear, only A little rain, swaying the wisteria Blooms.” My mother again holds my hand. The hand that would one day Write about what howl...

The Paramount View

It's only human to wonder, ponder Pour over what might be - the other side. An epiphenomenon of existence, a melancholy road To drive. Driven by babbling seraphims, Or demons in our dreams, singing aloud Requiems, feeding fears At the seeds. It's a road paved in history Encrimsoned in the cold blood of Ages past, gone like the Phoenicians, Our fate the same as the Last. Why? Why does the water run dry? We cover the world in dust. Ashes to ashes, Metal to rust. But here! Here now, seeing patterns in the sand Finding pleasure in "cellardoor," With this, we're moonstuck On the floor. This body, a flagellum to the earth. It seems rather fatuous, birth, And to admit we might, just might Have worth. Woah! Strike down this cod philosophy And for a moment see the resplendent Truth. It's sweet on your tongue, A lollipop of authenticity, some only see When young. Why? Why does the water run dry? We cover the world in dust. Ashes to ashes, Metal to rust. Behold, the stat...

Toward Harmonia

Toward Harmonia [Or, The Lost Soul of Eris] Done. I was finished, this chaos too great a weight to bear, And then the lilt of her voice brought me back, back, To the surface, to where her pumpernickel skin shined in the Daylight, ethereal and everywhere, everywhere solace. The Solstice to my Equinox, I bent low, “Lend me the power of good, the good you know.” And at my request, she did not reply, but that enchantress turned my eyes to look inside. On the backs of my lids, a movie played out, and out I cried. My whole life, alive vicariously on the screen, I was the anathema of my own dream. An interloper here, I did not want to be there. I did not want to be anywhere, anywhere. I denounce Eris, and all the paratheo-anametamystikhood, And fall to the feet of Purpose, a harmony, an order to my days. Henceforth, I’ll spelunk the caves put there before me, and wonder Why they were made. Made to live, made to die, Entropy is in the eye. Behold, behold, I grow old Wi...

What is Mad Poetry Tuesday?

Every Tuesday, I request a list of words on a social platform of choice. Any words. And then I transform those words into MAD POETRY! A poem of the week, comprised of your words and mine. A collective madness. An art divine. (No, they will not all rhyme). It's mostly to help me (and you, if you want!) practice writing. It's also just fun! The following Tuesday, I will post my poem (or poems, if I get ambitious), along with the list of words shared with me. If you also write a poem with ALL of the words in the list (that's the real challenge), send it to me at and I will post it on the blog as well! Join me for #MadPoetryTuesday and post your favorite word in the comments below!