The petrichor was thick in the air As he ran his fingers gently through my hair. I didn’t know if it was Love. A few months of dalliance, Letting my morals tip off balance. Viatic, my heart felt hiraeth, a need for Home. His words, mellifluous and charming, In my ears, were sweetly swarming, Maybe this was a limerence, a forever Place. The virga hung low in the sky, And I wondered, wondered why, He’d become so comely in my eyes, a Star. As if reading my mind’s utinam, He slipped back into me with a plan. Penis indefatigable, hot and Heavy. He’ll be my phenomenal everything, My affectionate dwelling, always. Make me sing Into forever, make me sing Our song. -- Mad Words List 4.24.18 Mellifluous Dalliance Phenomenal Comely Sonder Penis Petrichor Limerence Hiraeth Indefatigable Viatic Utinam Virga -- Today was a beautiful rainy/snowy day, and I wanted to capture that with a bit of passion and the twist of going from uncertainty to surety, ...