Imagine, if you may, the dream. The translucent, ever shifting Truth. First, a moon rises, In the magic of nightfall, then Drops with the weight of a silver coin Into your pocket. An automaton's pocket That sings a clinking song. Can you see "you" in this moment? Are you the Dream You, Who crossed leagues of velvet, Who stood cliffside and jumped, Who made it through the Mind Maze Just before winter, but had to repeat it in the snow months later? Are you the You of Infinity? Are you a thousand mirrors Glazed and reflecting In a thousand stories Your Brain Artist paints As your body lies there On the pull-out sofa, or in an IKEA bed, Or on the dirt floor. Being painted, Like verdigris over copper, Are you the makeup? No, depicted - are you The Waking or the Dream You? -- Mad Words List 9.18.18 Automaton Dream Verdigris Infinity Truth Moon Silver Magic Song You